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Share Trading Tips

Share trading is not a job- it is an art of understanding and grabbing opportunities while risking your investment-- and making money. There are a few tips that every beginner must keep in mind while investing in share market. Some of these share trading tips are enumerated in this article.

· Expertise in Share Trading   will only come with time, effort and loads of practice. One cannot rule the markets in just one day of trading.

· Before plunging into the market, use the simulated websites for trading to get used to the set up and then start with actual money.

· An expert trader takes calculated risks without fear of loss.

· Do not become greedy- limit the losses by use of stop orders.

· Each loss is a lesson which will help you improve knowledge and understanding of market.

· If the share market is not reacting as per your expectations then just do not trade for a while.

· Go with the prediction of the price of the stock. Do not attempt picking the top and the bottom.

· If unsure of the direction of share trading market on a day stand aside, wait and then make your move.

· Discipline must be exercised by traders. Only in this fashion can one avoid the mistakes and bad tactics.

· Never go against the market, be subservient to the will of the shares, and remember that the share market is forever right.

· Recording the trading results and periodic analysis of same will prove beneficial.

· Patience, rationale, perseverance and determination are keys to becoming a successful share trader.

· Not every trade move can be a profitable one, refrain from pushing a deal too hard. Ultimately it’s the overall profit and individual deals hardly matter.

· Emotions should be kept aside while dealing in shares as these might work against you.

· Instinct and its realization is an important quality that a good trader needs to develop. Though this will come with time, yet keep a keen lookout on the share patterns and prices.

· The success of ever trader depends on his flexibility and ability to apply strategies as per the demand of the moment. Not every move will lead to a profit but keep trying nevertheless.

· Never exceed the risk limit set. Once decided, the limit should be adhered too.

· Do not invest or focus on a number of stocks, rather limit yourself to fewer ones which you can manage.

· Never be negative, business and trading might have unexpected turns but positivity should be maintained in all dealings. It is advised to take trading as a game and enjoy it, only then will you make good and huge profits.

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